The Rejoinder is an online magazine that takes its editorial imperative from its name. We’re all about sharp conversations. We are a magazine built by writers and editors who were initially inspired by the tradition of serialized storytelling: from Dickens to the stories of In the Mood for Love, Five Chapters to Serial

Our focus is serialized fiction. We publish one story a month, released in weekly installments each Friday. Syncing  the medium and storytelling, we want to highlight the best that fiction has to offer. We want literary fiction that lends itself to serialization, stories that riff on the weekly breaks, novellas that might not fit anywhere else. We are compelled by confident writing with a penchant for plot and suspense. 

We seek to create a space that raises the voices of both emerging and established writers of various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. We are particularly committed to publishing work by writers of color, queer writers, and writers from historically underrepresented backgrounds.

Editorially, we are particularly passionate about plot and love literary stories that take risks and dip into other genres. Like any magazine, we are always excited to see writing that pushes the conventions of literary fiction and delights readers in its unique storytelling.  

We are not currently a paying market, and we’re investigating ways to change that. As we get off the ground, we will nominate published work for various prizes.


Submissions are currently closed.

Drop us a line: rejoindermag [at] gmail [dot] com

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We’re a scrappy magazine! A lot of people help make this possible, and we want to share credit where credit is due.

Logo: Vinnie Zullo