A Portrait of Silas Fox – Kaylie Saidin

In this excellently crafted piece of historical fiction, we follow Silas Fox, the son of a middle-class Whittawer and also a man of only a little over four feet in stature, as he navigates the complex political, economic, and ethical sphere of 17th century European nobles. As he works to survive in a world that does not see him as he sees himself, he considers what defines humanity and what it truly means to have power.

Edited by: Emily Lowe with Michael Colbert

Emily Lowe Emily Lowe

5 Questions with Kaylie Saidin

The first pages came as an ekphrastic scribbling after seeing the painting, so the voice initially found me. After that it was a matter of tapping into it. I only knew I was writing a story about exoticization and otherness as a means of power.

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